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Multi-Dimensional Metrics: Measuring Efficiency, Quality, and Value

Rae Ann Bruno, Business Solutions Training

I.T. publishes a LOT of numbers: uptime, downtime, mean time to restore service, on-time/on-budget projects and many more.  Yet, is I.T really measuring or showing value to the organization?  Is it truly promoting the value of services or the quality of the customer experience?

Learn how to use multi-dimensional metrics and promote the real value of I.T. services.

Whether you are measuring availability of I.T. services, assessing customer satisfaction with support, or measuring timeliness, or efficiency, it is essential to take a holistic approach and measure efficiency, quality and business value. It takes a combination of measuring, monitoring, coaching, training, and communicating to consistently deliver a high quality services and add value to the business.  Then, it takes a combination of metrics and reports to promote that value.  When I.T. measures holistically, it has sufficient information to continually improve services and grow capabilities.  Attend this session to learn how to use multi-dimensional metrics and promote the real value of I.T. services.

Service Integration at JLR: Managing in a Multisource Environment

Martin Goble, Tata Consultancy Services

The challenges of implementing Service Integration and Management are many and varied.  This presentation will focus on how to manage a diverse portfolio of suppliers ranging from Major Service Providers to "One Man and his Dog" organisations and how to address gaps between contracts and operational service requirements across a diverse range of contracts.

Pris for initiativ i 2013 – hva burde vi gjort annenledes​,

Widar Gamlem, Datametrix og Tom Lien, Prosesshuset, 

Datametrix fikk i 2014 utdelt prisen for sitt arbeid innen ITIL i 2013. Vidar Gamlem forteller om hva som har vært utfordringene, hvordan situasjonen er i dag og hva som ikke har gått helt etter planen. Det blir i denne presentasjonen delt erfaringer og gitt tips til andre som skal i gang med slike prosjekter.

Keynote - The Future of Service Management in a Digitally Disrupted World,

Charles Araujo, Founder & CEO, The IT Transformation Institute

Our world has been turned upside down. Technology now powers everything: every business process, every interaction and virtually every facet of the customer experience. And this "Digital Disruption" is now reshaping the very foundations of how organizations are structured and operate. 

In this digitally disrupted world, the very essence of what it means to be in Service Management has changed. But this is about more than just Service Management. The implications are equally significant for anyone trying to lead in this new era as the traditional barriers between IT and business break down. Based on his best selling book, "The Quantum Age of IT: Why Everything You Know About IT is About to Change", Charles Araujo will examine the changes reshaping the fabric of our organizations, the two key characteristics that will define the "Digital Leader" of the (very near) future and what this means to Service Management professionals everywhere.

Service Criticality

Colin Rudd, Chairman, ITEMS Ltd  

Understanding the relative criticality of the services they deliver,  is vital to the success of every IT service provider.   This session will work through a tried and tested approach to determining service criticality.  This approach, developed by Colin will be illustrated during the session, using an actual worked example based on a real case study.

Samspillet ITIL og prosessledelse

Widar Aakre, Virksomhetsarkitekt, Statens innkrevingssentral

Økende krav til hurtig omstilling og digitale tilpasninger krever at ITIL- og forretningsprosessene er i godt samspill for å nå virksomhetens strategiske mål. Innlegget vil fokusere på dette samspillet og hvordan større oppmerksomhet på prosessledelse og prosesseierrollen kan bidra til en bedre forankring av ITIL-arbeidet i virksomheten. 

Maturing a basic change management process

Greg Sanker

ITSM process are highly connected and difficult to adopt in isolation. Most processes cannot mature without other processes, and must be adopted together. In this live and unscripted workshop, Greg Sanker will walk through a practical approach  to building a process maturity road map based on strategic business objectives.

I.T. Knows Nothing,

Jason Frye, BMC Software

Using the latest apps, like Google, Amazon and Uber, people expect IT to know and do everything. But most IT departments struggle to incorporate modern technology, leaving their customers disappointed. Worse, the rest of the business is using IT’s budget to buy their own systems. What happened? In this session, we’ll look at the latest in consumer goods innovation, the shift from technology-centric IT to innovation-driven IT, and how to restore IT to its former glory.

Innledning til paneldebatt - Å prestere under press,

Hanne Kristin Rohde, Tidligere toppleder i Oslopolitiet, jurist, forfatter og foredragsholder

Når jeg snakker om ledelse, snakker jeg om hva LEDEREN må gjøre. Jeg er mindre opptatt av definisjoner og mer opptatt av praksis. 
Når jeg snakker om endringsledelse, snakker jeg om hva LEDEREN må gjøre personlig for å endre SEG og hvilke krav til relasjonskompetanse og relasjonsutvikling mellom leder og medarb som må være på plass. FORDI forandring sjelden fryder på en arbeidsplass.
Jeg byr på en erfaringsbasert innledning til debatt, basert på evne og vilje til å skape balanse, likeverd og resultater.

Hva gjør du når det virkelig brenner?

Rolf Tamber, rådgiver innen IT Management og IT Service Management 

I denne workshoppen vil vi fellesskap gjennomgå noen vanlige og reelle scenarioer på akutte utfordringer, også spesielt innen IT. Gruppa skal jobbe seg igjennom til en god løsning, ved å bruke forskjellige metoder for problemløsning og prioriteringer, basert på metodikk utviklet over flere år i tilsvarende problemsituasjoner. Metodeverket dekker informasjonsplan, vurdering av situasjonen og løsningsalternativer, prioritering og kontroll, både på det tekniske, faglige og personlige plan. Workshoppen vil også gjennomgå typiske problemsituasjoner og de mest vanlige rotårsaker, erfart gjennom mer enn 70 taskforcer de siste årene.

The new role of IT,

David Cannon, Forrester

The role of the traditional IT department is under pressure as technology is embedded directly into the front lines of the business. There will always be a place for IT, but where will it be, and who will be managing it? What was innovative ten years ago has now been commoditized, and IT professionals who stay in their traditional roles will find themselves working in the back office or for an outsourcing service provider. But who will take their place? Who will continue innovating? This session is aimed at those professionals who want to make the transition to the front lines if business technology. What will it take? Attend to learn about the innovation cycle and how to stay ahead of it, the role of the service portfolio managing multisupplier enviroments, business skills for technology professionals, and more.  

Guerilla IT

Mark Smalley

Do you want to do something really worthwhile in IT yet keep getting ambushed by mealy-mouthed middle managers with their petty policies? In this interactive workshop we'll explore and discover how to identify realistic initiatives and how to deploy them under corporate radar while keeping out of friendly fire. You'll leave the session with some ideas for your specific situation as well as an arsenal of weapons for an IT rebel with a cause.

Service Catalogue, do's and dont's,

Ronnie Grønås, Executive Consultant, Enterprise Service Management, Symfoni Nordics

Mange ITSM-verktøy har muligheter for en Service eller Tjenestekatalog. Og enda flere ønsker seg en god og automatisert leveranse av tjenestene man tilbyr. Men hvordan starter man egentlig med å definere en tjeneste, og hvilke avhengigheter bør man tenke på allerede fra start? Hvilke fallgruver kan man ramle i, og hvordan sikrer man en suksessfull implementering.
Hør hvordan Nordens største ServiceNow-partner, Symfoni, kan hjelpe deg å gjennomføre et slikt løp, basert på mange års erfaring fra vellykkede og mindre vellykkede prosjekt.

A Glimpse of the Knowledge-Centered Support (KCS) Difference,

Rae Ann Bruno, Business Solution Training Inc.​

Are any of these support goals part of your objectives this year?
-reduce the time to resolution
-lower support costs
-increase customer satisfaction
-decrease employee turnover

If so, implementing Knowledge Centered Support (KCS) can help you achieve all of these results (and more). .  KCS is an integral part of day-to-day support operations. It becomes the way you resolve incidents and get people back to work.  Because it is part of the Incident process, it is always current and accurate and enables your teams to continually support an expanding breadth of services.

Attend this session to learn:
•    How KCS is different from traditional knowledge engineering
•    How to get Started
•    What the Critical Success Factors are
•    How to avoid the “Pitfalls”
•    How to show the ROI of implementing the KCS methodology
•    How to build a culture of collaboration and continual learning (across multi-tier teams and different groups)

The Catalogue!

Juan Antonio Fernandez Aberturas, he is ITSM Director EMEA, BMC

•       ITIL v3 Expert and all the intermediates
•       Also CobIT, Sourcing, Lean IT, Project Management certificates
•       15 years of experience in ITSM / IT Governance and Sourcing Advisory Services, both in training and consultancy. 
•       Currently EMEA ITSM Director at BMC Software

Fremtidens IT-funksjon – en «service broker» og en «digital enabler».

Catherine Janson og Gerd Mejlænder-Larsen, Devoteam 

I dette foredraget ser vi på utviklingen av IT-funksjonens rolle. Arbeid med forbedring av prosesser, tjenesteorientering og leveranse av stabile og kosteffektive tjenester er ikke nok. Hva skal til for at IT kan spille en sentral rolle i virksomhetens digitaliseringsarbeid og være med å utvikle virksomheten videre?

Think outside the box - a rock‘n roll look at services,

Bruce Dickinson, Lead singer of Iron Maiden and business rockstar

Bruce Dickinson shares his "outside the box" business strategy models focusing on customer relations and "how to turn your customers into fans”.  
Dickinson compares the challenges of operating in the world of rock music and commercial aviation with those in the business world, from teamwork, forward planning and the ability of learn from setbacks and then forge on successfully;   essential requirements in all cases. 
Business is just about enabling human beings, nothing more, and nothing less. Businesses need to recognize this fundamental fact. – Bruce Dickinson...

Everyday motivation!,

Eddie Vidal, Manager, UMIT Service Desk, University of Miami

Studies show that employee engagement results in higher profits, increased performance, higher customer satisfaction, and lower employee turnover. Recognizing, engaging, and rewarding your team members creates a highly energized, focused, and motivated unit, driven by performance, delivery, and accomplishment. IT leaders need to invest in making rewards and recognition core values, and find ways to improve services and performance by ensuring the development and success of their most important asset: people. In this session, Eddie Vidal will share examples and ideas to guide you down the road to success. 

Butiksförvaltning Systembolaget,

Susanne Hagberg, Projektledare, Systembolaget AB

Systembolaget berättar om sitt projekt och vägen till en proaktiv butiksförvaltning och hur detta förverkligats med hjälp av Service Now. Lösningen har utvecklats tillsammans med användarna i form av prototyping och pilot. En användarvänlig portal har skapats för felanmälningar och beställningar och sammanhållande information om Systembolagets butiker presenteras i ett enkelt gränssnitt. 

ServiceNow: Everything as a Service

Sebastian Kliber, ServiceNow

ServiceNow is changing the way people work. With a service-orientation toward the activities, tasks and processes that make up day-to-day work life, we help the modern enterprise operate faster and be more scalable than ever before. Customers use our service model to define, structure and automate the flow of work, removing dependencies on email and spreadsheets to transform the delivery and management of services for the enterprise. ServiceNow provides service management for every departement in the enterprise including IT, HR, Facilities, Field Service and more – built to manage everything As a Service.

ComAround: Taking control of the knowledge flow by using Self Service and KCS

Per strand og David Aadne, ComAround

• Background and challenges 
• Self Service and KCS in practice
• Short and long term benefits using KCS

We experience that many support organizations struggle keeping control of the knowledge flow within the organization, often due to the results of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and the use of external knowledge sources on the Internet. Fortunately, a set of best practices called Knowledge Centered Support (KCS) is gaining traction in the technical service and support world and provides a process driven solution to this problem. We think that putting knowledge in focus and continuously aiming to structure, create, develop and reuse knowledge, the support organization can regain control of the knowledge flow and become business critical.

”Sexy” features in ServiceNow presented by Devoteam Experts

ServiceNow tar av på verdensbasis og er kåret til det neste store innen IT av Forbes to år på rad. Claus Karlsen, ITSM rådgiver fra Devoteam, viser deg de råeste funksjonene i ServiceNow på 20 minutter.

Syscom: Bring IT to life, hvordan skal IT avdelingen støtte digitalisering?

Leif Arne Brandsæter – Salgsdirektør i Syscom AS
Digitalisering skjer i en rasende fart rundt oss - enten det er offentlige tjenester eller privat sektor. Noen kan riktignok mene at det ikke skjer fort nok, vi er jo blitt så vant til gode skytjenester og apper som privatbrukere. Vi vil diskutere hvordan IT avdelingen kan støtte - og være en viktig del av - den digitaliseringen vi må gjøre på egen arbeidsplass.

Pureservice: ITIL i praksis på servicedesken

Pål Nome – Adm dir i Syscom AS

De fleste IT servicedesker har i dag et forhold til ITIL. Samtidig er det mange som er usikre på om ITIL er til for oss, eller om det er vi som er til for ITIL.
I foredraget får du høre om hvordan man med Syscoms "ITIL i praksis" gjør jobben enklere for saksbehandlere, IT-folk og IT-ledere. Vi viser hvordan man best mulig kan utnytte servicedesk-verktøyet til å gi en bedre oversikt, få enklere arbeidsdag og følge beste praksis.

Pragmatic implementation of Change Management in a US Health Care company that is experiencing fundamental changes in the way that it does business,

Debora Shockness and Derek Lonsdale

The US healthcare industry is going through huge changes and although it is easy to say that US and Western European Healthcare is radically different, there are many similarities. This presentation will briefly explain these and then discuss the approach taken to design and implement ITSM processes with descriptions on how we managed governance, process design, data design and implementation. We will describe our Change Management process at a high level but will also do a deep dive on specific elements such as risk assessment, ensuring you will have some takeaways that can be used immediately in your own organization

“The requirements food chain” - Mastering the Requirements Process,

Suzanne Robertson, The Atlantic Systems Guild

This workshop is about how requirements travel all the way through an organisation – and beyond – and all along this food chain different people are interested in and affected by them, but all for different reasons.  The idea of a requirements food chain populated by originators and consumers is a way of mapping different stakeholders’ interests and responsibilities as the requirements travel along the chain. A primary concern is to protect the requirements food chain from pollution. This means that when new details (changes, solutions) are added, the original organisational intention of the business requirement must be preserved. 
Topics to be covered:
•    Where do you fit on the requirements food chain?
•    The stakeholder map
•    Atomic Requirements
•    Useful levels of requirements
•    Business events and business use cases
•    How requirements connect with services
•    Trawling techniques for discovering requirements
•    Multiple viewpoints
•    A requirements checklist
•    Connecting processes and data
•    A requirements case study
•    Protecting the food chain from pollution

This is an interactive workshop that will provide plenty of opportunity for practical work, discussion and experimentation.

The basics for success: relationships and communication,

Colin Rudd, ITEMS Ltd

This presentation provides a very pragmatic and practical approach to the development of relationships and good communication, based on the presenter’s experience. It contains some introductory slides on theory, but the vast majority of the session will be focused on the practical side of implementing effective relationships and communications with stakeholders, including customers, users, suppliers and partners. The session discusses some of the issues and challenges associated with
these areas and how they can be overcome. References will also be made to a number of examples of effective and ineffective relationships and communication methods. Delegates will learn some very practical techniques for implementing and improving relationships and communication mechanisms.

The Knowledge Centered Support (KCS),

Rae Ann Bruno, Business Solution Training Inc.

Audience: Managers, Executives, Supervisors or Knowledge Management roles
•    What is KCS? (an understanding of the difference between knowledge engineering and kcs)
•    KCS is the way you perform Incident Management – not an add on
•    The KCS process (the model and steps)
•    Benefits of KCS (to the support team, I.T., users and the company
•    Real World examples and success stories

Incident and Problem Management Efficientcy - First aid toolkit,

Stefan Brahmer, Kepner-Tregoe
Thomas Fejfer, CFN People

A one day workshop introducing valuable tools and insides on "how" best practice troubleshooting is implemented. Participants will be introduced to the driving forces of successful improvements for troubleshooting in Incident and Problem Management
I. Types of troubleshooting - methodology vs intuition
Understand the reason why our brain is naturally tending to go the "easy way" of sticking to intuitive troubleshooting - even though a systematic approach would be of advantage.
II. Changing a culture - find the pain point(s) you need to cure
 Driving cultural change is something that needs to be linked to meaningful successes and improvements. There is no such thing as a generic skill development that makes a difference.
III. Effective troubleshooting techniques and tools
Learn about some techniques and tools from Kepner-Tregoe and the importance of "the right tool at the right time"
IV. Building feedback loops to encourage positive behavior
Implementation of cultural change requires frequent feedback and support - building feedback loops addresses this need
V. Leading success indicators - the real KPIs you should be concerned about
Traditional KPIs are not enough in order to get ahead of the curve - behavior KPIs drive visibility and results

Se Mindstorm Robotics Introduction

Basic Lean Method,

Reni Friis, BlueHat Aps

In this workshop you will be able to see for yourself what it actually means when you apply the lean principles to a real-life process. You will be invited to pose questions, challenge and debate your take on things throughout the workshop.
We will go through and apply the Lean principles one after one, and see how they each impact the design of the process as such, as well as some chosen KPIs: quality and time spent for both the user receiving a new pc, the user’s department manager and the IT department.

Consumerization of IT? Worry about the consumerization of service,

Stephen Mann

The consumerization of IT has been with us since the mid-2000s, but for many enterprise IT organizations means just one thing: BYOD, bring your own device, a kneejerk and probably suboptimal response based on IT's inability to match employees' consumer experience in terms of devices, mobile apps, and cloud services.
However, while employees may have better IT outside of work, the challenge of consumerization is larger than the IT itself; employees are also enjoying a better service experience in their personal lives, including a focus on ease of use, self-service through service request catalogs or portals, anytime, anywhere access, social or collaborative capabilities, and customer-centric support.
Thus, the real challenge for enterprise IT is not the consumerization of IT, it's the consumerization of service. And the enterprise IT organization is not alone in failing to meet these employee expectations on service experience. Other corporate service providers, such as HR and facilities, are also subject to the same consumer-experience-driven pressures.
Thus the Consumerization of IT is a red herring, it's the Consumerization of Service that will change corporate IT forever. So attend this session to learn:

Why consumer service experiences are raising the bar for corporate IT organizations

How the enterprise IT organization can improve its service experience to better meet employee expectations

That the IT organization can also help other corporate service providers to raise their game

Uncovering the essence of the problem – how to find what your client really needs,

Suzanne Robertson, The Atlantic Systems Guild

We can solve almost any problem using software – the problem is that we don't always know what the problem is. 

In this talk Suzanne Robertson demonstrates how to find the real problem, how to look beyond the current implementation – or indeed any proposed future implementation – and find the real business. 

There is a difference between a problem and a solution. All too often we implement a brilliant solution, only to find out that we've solved the wrong problem.

Agile processes need to solve the right problem just as more traditional methods do. This talk is about finding the underlying problem regardless of your development methods, and how your requirements activities can include the discovery of the essence – the right problem to solve. 

One of the most common complaints from business analysts is that their clients always state their needs in terms of a solution. Instead of developing this proposed solution, this talk shows you how with a little thought, you can uncover what is really needed. 

It is intended for business analysts, designers, developers, product owners, and any other stakeholders who have an interest in ending up with the right solution. 

Agile ITSM, practical guidance​,

Dave Van Herpen, Sogeti

Ever more organizations use Agile approaches to develop software. There’s a reason for this. It delivers fast results and high quality through constant feedback loops and tight customer involvement. More importantly, Agile (and Lean) explicitly stimulate continuous improvement. But there’s much more value in Agile than this alone. The speaker has used Agile and Lean practices in the IT Service Management area for many years. He will use real world examples to illustrate the power of using practices like Scrum, Kanban and self-organizing, multidisciplinary teams. Dave will demonstrate the value of integrating Agile, frameworks like ITIL and cultural change.

Strukturert tilnærming til informasjonssikkerhet – hvordan få med fler?

Signe-Marie Hernes Bjerke, DNV GL

Tap av virksomhetskritisk data kan lamme en bedrift samt føre til tap av omdømme, tiltro og kunder. Likevel er ikke informasjonssikkerhet spesielt høyt på agendaen i norske bedrifter. Flere bedrifter jeg har vært hos har fått «pålegg» om å etablere informasjonssikkerhet basert på ISO 27000, og har utpekt en sikkerhetsansvarlig for å drive arbeidet. Et problem er at sikkerhetsansvarlig ofte blir en «ensom svale». Like lite som en kvalitetssjef kan sørge for kvaliteten i en virksomhet, kan en sikkerhetssjef sørge for sikkerheten i en virksomhet. 

Det å få på plass rett nivå av sikkerhet handler om mer enn å skrive dokumenter og utpeke en sikkerhetsansvarlig. Men hva må på plass? Hvordan skal vi få engasjert fler? Vil det hjelpe oss å etablere en felles risikobasert, strukturert og målrettet måte å jobbe på? 

How to sell Love, Peace and DevOps to the business,

Mark Smalley og Dave Van Herpen

OK. So you've heard about this hippie DevOps movement and you sense that there's some value in it. But how do you apply it in your environment that is light-years away from the eBays, Amazons and Netflixes of this world, where DevOps was first applied. And how on earth do you convince your boss or the business? This presentation not only gives you a practical perspective on Agile, DevOps, SIAM and the whole multidisciplinary collaboration movement, but you'll also gain insight into benefits that appeal to managers in both IT and the business.

Implementing and Maturing a Basic Change Management program,

Greg Sanker

Looking for practical help in getting started with Change Management? In this session, Greg Sanker will show how to use a multi-phased approach to implement and mature a business-aligned Change Management program. Already have basic Change Management? Learn how to move beyond  IT-centric Change Management to business-value focused Change Enablement.

Project of the year,

Vidar Gamlem, Datametrix

I Datametrix startet dette prosjektet som et innføringsløp for nytt Service Management verktøy, men dette endret seg hurtig. Fokuset ble i stedet rettet mot gevinstrealisering og fokus på tjenesteorientering i et allerede pågående prosjekt rundt skytjenester. Med fokus på gevinstene, kom mange flere aspekter opp på bordet: Utvikling av tjenester, nye leveranseprosesser, kontroll på masterdata, nye metoder for økonomistyring av tjenester. Dette berørte etter hvert det meste av organisasjonen, og har gitt et kraftig løft for alle involverte. Nye arbeidsmetoder for hele verdikjeder, nye roller og ansvar, en helt ny tjenestekatalog, og ikke minst realiserte gevinster innen kvalitet og økonomi.
Foredraget vil holdes av Datametrix og Prosesshuset sammen, og vise hvordan dette programmet har utviklet seg over tid.

Feil og bestillings katalog Oslo kommune,

Anders Wik, Oslo Kommune

Oslo kommune har etablert en feil- og bestillingskatalog med tilhørende automatisk saksflyt. 
Brukere får konkret informasjon om hva de kan forvente av IT på den ene siden, men på den andre siden må de fylle ut konkrete registreringsskjemaer tilpasset sine henvendelser. 

Dette bidrar til at IT mottar relevant informasjon for å kunne løse feilen eller effektuere bestillingen og derfor i liten grad trenger å kontakte brukeren for utdypende informasjon. 
Dette har bidratt til en større forutsigbarhet for brukerne og en bedre ressursutnyttelse internt i IT. 
Vi ønsker å dele våre erfaringer både om etablering og kontinuerlig forbedring av denne feil- og bestillingskatalogen

Feil og bestillings katalog Oslo kommune,

Anders Wik, Oslo Kommune

Oslo kommune har etablert en feil- og bestillingskatalog med tilhørende automatisk saksflyt. 
Brukere får konkret informasjon om hva de kan forvente av IT på den ene siden, men på den andre siden må de fylle ut konkrete registreringsskjemaer tilpasset sine henvendelser. 

Dette bidrar til at IT mottar relevant informasjon for å kunne løse feilen eller effektuere bestillingen og derfor i liten grad trenger å kontakte brukeren for utdypende informasjon. 
Dette har bidratt til en større forutsigbarhet for brukerne og en bedre ressursutnyttelse internt i IT. 
Vi ønsker å dele våre erfaringer både om etablering og kontinuerlig forbedring av denne feil- og bestillingskatalogen

Does itsm stick in the cloud,

Kathleen Wilson, Microsoft

“Warning - this session may contains scenes that will enrage ITSM experts.”  Clouds require a tight integration of people/process/technology to obtain the promised benefits, but selling the value of ITSM to a Cloud buyer is a hard sell.  Knowing this as a Cloud vendor, we had to change our approach on how ITSM can stick to the cloud.  Start with the People 
Session Explanation:
Cloud computing is an enticing model, promising a new level of flexibility in the form of pay-as-you-go, readily accessible, infinitely scalable IT services.  Try typing in “IT Service Management in the Cloud” in a Search engine on the Internet, you will only see vendors, no ITSM prescriptive guidance or whitepapers are available.  In this session will share our approach on how we made ITSM stick with our Cloud Customers.  Not leading with the processes, but using Service Maps, Role guides, delegation models and other needed artifacts to make the management and operations of the Cloud a reality.

Technology is the driver to the cloud and we need to rethink how ITSM principles fit in our discussions in the Cloud, it is not just Service Management it is a Business and IT priorities in the Service Integration and Management context. As ITSM Consultants we need to change the way we talk to our Cloud Customers, understand the business priorities and how technology is driving the Cloud.

Small Scale ITIL,

Stig Ellingsen, Prosesshuset

itSMF Norge har i 2014 kjørt en serie med workshops i lokallagene med fokus på hvordan man kan benytte ITIL i små virksomheter. Resultatene er interessante. Ved å fokusere på tre utvalgte, typiske scenarier for små IT-avdelinger, identifiserte vi raskt at det er forskjellige elementer fra ITIL som gir nytte, dette varierer sterkt med hvilke utfordringer de står overfor. Fra en tradisjonell ServiceDesk tilnærming, til et rent fokus på de strategiske prosessene. Dette viser en annen tilnærming enn de fleste ITSM prosjekter.
I tillegg diskuterte vi nedskalering. Hvor mye trenger vi fra de enkelte prosessområdene? Hvilke prosesser bør være formelle, hvor holder det med enkeltelementer fra en prosess? Og hva er egentlig essensen som man skal fokusere på i en liten IT-avdeling? 
Foredraget vil komme med praktiske eksempler, og vise til det heftet som er resultatet av arbeidet.

The day KANBAN met ITIL,

Pauline Lindskov, KMD

The day Kanban met ITIL is a case story, that outlines how a simple tool can produce a significant effect – if you are determined enough to use it!    
Kanban means «signal card» and is an acknowledge task-management tool in the software-development business, where tough deadlines and lead time limits is a natural part of the everyday. 
But how can Kanban methods improve operation and development activities in a complex ITIL based organization? And why is it, that the Kanban board create task transparency,  visual  prioritizing, common goals  and reduces stress?

Felles prosesser og verktøy på tvers av landegrenser,

Kenneth-André Dahler-Hansen
Farooq A. Baig, Nets Norway

I foredraget ønsker vi å fortelle om Nets endringsreise mot en nordisk organisasjon og vårt arbeid med å innføre felles Incident, Problem og Change prosesser og verktøystøtte for dette, på tvers av landegrenser. Vi vil dele erfaringer fra arbeidet med prosessetablering og innføringen av service management verktøyet ServiceNow. Presentasjonen vil gi konkrete eksempler fra vårt løpende arbeid med å forbedre Incident, Problem og Change prosessen.

Service management verktøy i skyen,

Tone Aasgaard Egerdahl, Statoil

I 2014 innførte Statoil den skybaserte service management løsningen ServiceNow for følgende prosesser; Incident & problem management, service catalog & request management, change & release management, knowledge management and configuration management. I tillegg til service desk er prosessene innført for IT, HR, økonomi og finans, kommunikasjon, eiendom og kontordrift, anskaffelser samt for tekniske tjenester.  Foredraget dekker hvordan Statoil implementerte en sikker og effektiv løsning integrert med selskapets ERP løsning (SAP). I tillegg gjennomgås forbedringsarbeidet som ble gjennomført i forkant av verktøybyttet; effektivisering av alle Statoils ITIL prosesser ved hjelp av LEAN metodikk. Konkrete eksempler tar oss gjennom prosessforbedringene og hvordan disse ble implementert i verktøyet og videre rullet ut til flere tusen brukere og operatører. Foredraget avsluttes med en gjennomgang av Statoils prioriterte oppgaver og utfordringer innen service management de neste 2 årene. 

Arbeidsprosesser i verdistrøm perspektiv,

Geir Breimo, enhetsleder for Prosessforbedring, Sykehuspartner IKT

Ved å fokusere på verdistrømmer mer enn på ITIL verktøykassen har vi greid å tegne et bilde som både er diskuterbart på ledernivå og som gir veiledning for videreutvikling av prosesser.
Med en haug av ITIL prosesser å velge fra er det en utfordring å velge hvilke prosesser man skal etablere for å oppnå hvilke effekter. Gode enkeltprosesser sikrer nødvendigvis ikke effektive kundeleveranser hvis de ikke ses sammen. Å diskutere ITIL med ledelsen for å få en tydelig retning og mål krever en faglig dybde som toppledere ikke skal behøve å ha. Ved å ta utgangspunkt i hva vi egentlig driver med og så sette dette inn i verdistrømmer som strekker seg fra kundebehov til -verdi har vi lagt et grunnlag for å diskutere prosessutvikling i en kontekst som er lettere å forstå. 
Foredraget fokuserer på hvorfor dette var viktig for oss, hva våre erfaringer er så langt, og hvordan vi gikk frem for å etablere en slik modell. Vi gir eksempler fra eget målbilde men presiserer at hver enkelt virksomhets modenhet og rammebetingelser må være styrende for utviklingen av sitt eget målbilde i sin egen kontekst.

Hva koster en tjeneste?,

Jon R. Johansen, Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt
Ved Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt eide hver fagavdeling sine egne PC-er og programvarelisenser. Dette medførte store merkostnader og ineffektiv forvaltning. Det ble derfor besluttet å gradvis innføre sentralisert eierskap med prising av IT-tjenester. Men hva koster egentlig en tjeneste? 
Foredraget beskriver bakgrunnen for tjenesteprisingen, hvordan kostnader tilknyttet en tjeneste ble identifisert og hvordan reell kost på tjenesten ble beregnet.  Vi ser på innsalget vi måtte gjøre for å få aksept for ordningen, i en organisasjon som i utgangspunktet var svært negativ til "internfakturering", hvordan vi kvalitetssikret dataene og ikke minst hvilken verdi ordningen har gitt i dag, ett år etter innføringen.

People Change Management: The Keys to a Successful Project,

Thorsten Manthey, ITIL Expert & Change Champion

Why a three legged stool (People, Process & Technology) cannot stand with only two legs.
This presentation will focus on People and Cultural Change Management and why this is critical to your ITSM program/project success (or any IT or business project).
The presentation will highlight how to “sell” the need for People Change Management and how it contributes to project benefit realization and ROI. You can use this “easy to communicate” message with your IT leaders and project managers when pushing for the need of People Change Management within your program/project. The presentation will also cover how People Change Management contributes to project benefit realization and ROI.
Two of the key deliverables, a Change Strategy and a Communication & Training Plan will also be addressed and how this can be developed.

What you can add to your “tool box” after this presentation:
•    ROI of People Change Management
•    How to “sell” People Change Management
•    Identification of how much Perople Change Management is needed
•    How to create a Communication & Training Plan + template documents
•    Lessons learned from multiple People Change Management initiatives


eSourcing Capability Management - en hjelp til å få Supplier Management til å virke,

Gunhild Sivertsen Sørvig, Sopra Steria

Rammeverket eSourcing Capability Model (eSCM) ble laget for å belyse hvilke arbeidsoppgaver og ansvar kunde og leverandør har gjennom fasene i et outsourcingsforhold. Rammeverket har helt konkrete sjekklister både for kunde og leverandør for hva som må være på plass for at partnerskapet skal bli en suksess.

Rammeverket er et supplement til ITIL, og da spesielt innenfor Supplier Management. eSCM er også hensiktsmessig i andre sammenhenger, som for eksempel Service Level Management og Governance.

Presentasjonen gir en introduksjon til eSCM og viser eksempler på sjekklister i forbindelse med outsourcing av drift. I tillegg viser den eksempler på hvordan aktivitetene i sjekklistene kan gjennomføres innenfor ITIL-rammeverket.

Problemer fra 9 til 5: Praktiske erfaringer fra hverdagen til et Task Force Team

Kristian Spilhaug, Instruktør og konsulent, Sopra Steria AS

Dette foredraget tar for seg hverdagen til ett av Sopra Sterias Task Force Team, og ser nærmere på hvordan teamet er satt sammen, hvilke metoder og teknikker som blir benyttet, noen verktøy som kan hjelpe til, og hvordan gruppa opererer når de står ovenfor et nytt oppdrag. Vi lister opp noen gode og dårlige erfaringer, og ser på hva gruppa har lært av disse over tid.

How to work with Service Integration and Management (SIAM) and Business Relationship Management

Andrea Kis and Martin Goble, TCS

The SIAM Paradigm

  • End to End (e2e) visibility of services
  • Strong governance of IT
  • Support for major business transformations
  • Service flexibility
  • Plug and play sourcing
  • Free the retained organisation from fire fighting
  • Avoid the service being red whilst the reports say green

“One version of the truth and one throat to choke”

Service Integration – An Introduction 
Service Integration is the co-ordination of people, processes, tools & technology, data and governance across multiple suppliers, 
to ensure effective and efficient operations of the end-to-end service delivery to the business user
SIAM Workshop for itSMF Norway 2015.pdfSIAM Workshop for itSMF Norway 2015.pdfBilde1.png

Hvordan dele kunnskap,

Jorunn Øyna, Sopra Steria
Med stadig mer komplekse prosjekter trenger vi hele tiden å sette oss inn i nye oppgaver og systemer. Hvordan finner vi frem til relevant kunnskap som hjelper oss med dette i en verden preget av informasjonsoverflod?

Da Steria, nå Sopra Steria, bare var noen få hundre ansatte var det lett å finne frem til hvem som kunne hva. Med en vekst til godt over 1000 ansatte på kort tid har Steria måttet gjøre kritiske grep for at det fortsatt skal være lett å finne relevant informasjon når man trenger den. Jorunn Øyna, forteller om Sterias reise for å skape gode systemer og prosesser for å gjøre kunnskapsdeling enkelt.

Bridging the gap between ITSM and business processes​,

Katrine MacMahon, Norges Bank Investment Management

The adoption of ITSM often starts at the Operation phase of the service lifecycle.  The concepts of service desk, incident management and request fulfilment are easy to grasp and familiar to most.
The further up the service management lifecycle, the less clear things start to get, and the greater the overlap with existing business processes.  Where does change management start?  Is a project a change?  How can I be sure that a change proposal is in line with our business strategy?  
I will discuss NBIM’s approach to these questions (and more) by discussing service portfolio management, change management, project management and the service design package.  I will also talk about people and culture, and the different strategies used to approach the challenges encountered.

Practical CSI: creating value with continual service improvement,

Stuart Rance, Optimal Service Management

If you don’t already have a culture of continual improvement then getting started with CSI can seem very hard. You know you should do it, but it’s much easier to just carry on working the way you currently do. This presentation will give you practical help on how to get started with CSI, there will be lots of tips that will help you gradually embed CSI into your IT organization. This is not CSI from the book, the ideas come from many years of practical experience helping customers improve their IT services.

This presentation will be helpful to people at all stages of CSI implementation. If you have been thinking of implementing CSI then it will give you the help you need to get started. If you are already on the journey then it will help to improve your focus and drive real value out of CSI. If you haven’t even considered implementing CSI then it will help you by suggesting ways to engage your customers better, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your IT service management practices.

Implementation of Service Portfolio Management​,

Line Ahrensburg og Nelli Serifovski, NNIT AS

Standardization, scalability and transparency are critical success factors for any company experiencing rapid growth. This was the situation for NNIT in 2010 where new customers, services, and technologies were regularly introduced into the business. 

In order to keep up with the fast development, the Service Portfolio was initially introduced as a tool for establishing the required overview of all services provided – including a governance model to anchor clear ownership within the organisation. However, over the next couple of years, Service Portfolio Management became a key discipline to kick off service design, establishment of Service Catalogues, financial management, and strategic development of services.

This is a presentation of how NNIT implemented their Service Portfolio, the key learning points from the project and the benefits created for the company. 

Best Practice Requestaurant

Lise Dall Eriksen, Senior consultant, CFN People A/S

I would very much like to welcome you to my special Restaurant – Best practice Requestaurant.
We will use time together to analyse a menu card from a real restaurant with the menu card from lots of it departments – the standard service request catalogue. What are the differences and what can we learn and adopt from the restaurant branch? Some simple tools to make your service request catalogue more user friendly will be revealed – just for you to pick up and take with you at home. 
Furthermore we will look on how to manage the service requests ordered from the service request catalogue. The differentiation between standard service requests and customised service requests will be introduced along with new roles in it in order to effectively handle and manage the different types of service requests. 
Hope to see you for an inspiring and active session. 
The workshop will be conducted in English.

Fra Grønlandsis til forretningsjungel: Et foredrag om fare, risiko og forberedelser,

Anette Killingsrød Kristiansen, KPMG

I flere år drømte Anette Kristiansen i KPMG om å krysse Grønlandsisen – fra sør til nord, med ski og kite. ”Hvor farlig kan det være”, tenkte hun til slutt, og benyttet 15 års erfaring fra prosjektledelse til å planlegge kryssingen. I dette foredraget forteller hun hvordan det å gjennomføre ekspedisjonen våren 2014 gjorde henne til en bedre konsulent – og hvordan hun fant ut at svaret var ”farligere enn du tror, og på andre måter enn du forestilte deg”.

Mapping ITSM Process dependencies to deliver business value,

Greg Sanker

ITSM process are highly connected and difficult to adopt in isolation. Most processes cannot mature without other processes, and must be adopted together. In this live and unscripted workshop, Greg Sanker will walk through a practical approach  to building a process maturity road map based on strategic business objectives.